The Shawn Carter Scholarship 2024-2025 (Fully Funded)

Do you wish to continue your education in the United States? We have good news for you! The Shawn Carter Foundation Scholarship is now available. We will go into great detail about this scholarship in this article, including its benefits and how to apply for it.

The Shawn Carter Scholarship 2024-2025 provides US undergraduate students with a fully funded scholarship. The cost of tuition, some living expenses, and additional educational costs like books, lab fees, travel, and other ancillary costs are all covered by this scholarship.

The Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund (SCSF) was established on the principle that any deserving, motivated individual should be given the chance to further their education. The SCSF serves a critical role in promoting college access and success for numerous driven yet underserved kids and young adults by reducing some of the financial burdens involved with going to, surviving in, and graduating from college.

Every eligible student who qualifies and reapplies each year, from entrance to graduation, receives an individual grant from the SCSF that is paid directly to the educational institution. The grant can be used to pay for tuition and additional educational costs like books, lab fees, travel, and some living expenses. Every Shawn Carter Scholar is required to “give back” by participating in community service projects and working as a mentor to younger, aspirant Shawn Carter Scholars.

SCSF draws applicants from all walks of life around the globe. Despite several personal and socioeconomic difficulties like teen pregnancy, past incarceration, interrupted schooling, poverty, and homelessness, they all have a strong desire to seek higher education. They are devoted, resilient, and industrious people who wish to positively impact their local and global communities. To realize their goals and aspirations, they turn to the SCSF.

Scholarship Summary

  • Level of Study: Undergraduate
  • Institution(s): Any Accredited College in USA
  • Study in: USA
  • Deadline: April 30, 2024

Scholarship Coverage

The Shawn Carter Scholarship offers the following to the recipient:

  • Tuition expenses
  • Additional educational costs, such as books, lab fees, travel, and certain living expenses.
  • Expected grant up to $1500-$2500

Eligibility Criteria for Shawn Carter Scholarship

To be eligible for the Shawn Carter Scholarship, a candidate must meet all of the conditions listed below:

  • Required Language: English
  • Eligible Countries: US citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Undergraduates pursuing their first degree:
    • High school seniors
    • Students who have earned a GED
    • Students enrolled in undergraduate programs for two or four years
    • Students attending trade or vocational schools
  • 25 years of age or less
  • Minimum GPA of 2.0
  • Household income of no more than $75,000

How to Apply for Shawn Carter Scholarship?

To apply for the Shawn Carter Scholarship, kindly follow these instructions:

  • After April 1st, please visit the official website.
  • Prepare your application early and submit it by the deadline. The more time you give yourself to complete the application, the more likely you are to finish it and submit it before the deadline. Additionally, you have an extra opportunity to ask them questions if you think any aspect of the procedure needs to be clarified.
  • Tell them about yourself and describe your extracurricular activities in depth. Until you tell them something about yourself, they don’t know anything about you. They can better appreciate how excellent you are with specific details. Regarding your essay, the same is applied. They don’t anticipate the essay to be very long, but you should make sure that it teaches them more about you and your viewpoints.
  • Check your application for typographical and grammatical blunders.
  • The image is not required. If you choose to offer a photo, send them a headshot that resembles an ID card from the shoulders up.
    Send your questions to if they haven’t already been addressed above.

Visit the official website to learn more about the Shawn Carter Scholarship:

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